51 McCarthy Tétrault Lawyers Recognized in Lexpert Leading 500 Cross-border Lawyers 2025
Lexpert has unveiled its Leading 500 Cross-border Lawyers: A Guide to Doing Business in Canada, recognizing 51 of our lawyers as leading practitioners within their respective areas.
The 2025 publication celebrates top-ranked advisors currently ranked in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory 2025. These individuals are trusted for their specialized expertise in both domestic and cross-border matters and are known for delivering exceptional counsel and service to clients.
The McCarthy Tétrault lawyers named in the 2025 guide are:
- Brett Anderson
- Hugo Babos-Marchand
- Gordon D. Baird
- André L. Baril
- Sarit E. Batner
- Eva Bellissimo
- Cameron G. Belsher, K.C.
- Michael J. Bennett
- Wendy Berman
- Oliver J. Borgers
- John W. Boscariol
- Patrick Boucher
- Alexandre W. Buswell
- Nancy Choi
- John C. Currie
- Michel Deschamps
- Marc Dorion, K.C., Ad. E.
- Michael A. Feder, KC..
- Stephen Furlan
- François M. Giroux
- Alyson F. Goldman
- Éric Gosselin
- Jason L. Gudofsky
- Geoff R. Hall
- Martha Harrison
- Richard T. Higa
- Nikiforos Iatrou
- Christine Ing
- Raj Juneja
- Mathieu Laflamme
- Justin A. Lapedus
- Philippe Leclerc
- Robin Mahood
- Clemens Mayr
- Shevaun McGrath
- Sven O. Milelli
- Hadrien Montagne
- Richard O'Doherty
- Candace M. Pallone
- Andrew C. Parker
- Jocelyn Perreault
- Mason Poplaw
- Patrick M. Shea
- Shea T. Small
- Barry B. Sookman
- Charles-Antoine Soulière
- Paul Steep
- Roger R. Taplin
- Alain N. Tardif
- Dominic Thérien
- David E. Woollcombe
Visit the Lexpert 500 website to see a full list of recognized lawyers.
About McCarthy Tétrault
McCarthy Tétrault LLP provides a broad range of legal services, providing strategic and industry-focused advice and solutions for Canadian and international interests. The firm has substantial presence in Canada’s major commercial centres as well as in New York City and London.
Built on an integrated approach to the practice of law and delivery of innovative client services, the firm brings its legal talent, industry insight and practice experience to help clients achieve the results that are important to them.
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For further information on McCarthy Tétrault or any of the above, please contact [email protected].