Cross-Border: A Consumer Products Industry Guide to Doing Business in Canada 2021 Edition
Authors: Lara Nathans, Jessica Cytryn, Oliver Borgers, Dominic Thérien, Vincent Kam-Sun Yip, Véronique Wattiez Larose, Lisa Melanson, Young-mi Lee, John Boscariol, Martha Harrison, Trevor Lawson, Stéphane Duval, Amelie Drouin, Jade Buchanan, Michael Scherman, Christopher Hubbard, Katherine Booth, Ana Badour, Hilary Smith, Mathieu Dubord, Eve Tessier, Miranda Lam, Olivia Martin, Diana Wang, Annie Gagnon-Larocque, Karina Gagnon, Adam Ship, Carmen Francis
Whether your consumer products business is already established in Canada or you are expanding into the country by way of acquisition, distribution or direct to consumer e-commerce (or a combination), you must navigate a wide range of evolving business and legal considerations in order to successfully gain a foothold in the market and avoid pitfalls. Manufacturers and distributors alike should be cognizant of the differences and similarities between provincial and federal legislation and how they intersect with the consumer products industry as well as the various rules and regulations that are unique to doing business in Canada.
As a blueprint for you to draw on, our multidisciplinary Retail and Consumer Markets Group has updated its Cross-Border: A Consumer Products Industry Guide to Doing Business in Canada 2021 Edition. This resource serves as a basic guide to the legal aspects of establishing and operating a consumer products business in Canada.
This user-friendly guide includes thoughtful analysis and information on key considerations in each of the areas of law most likely to affect your business decisions in the consumer products space, including
- key considerations to Canadian market entry
- tax and corporate structure
- competition and pricing
- branding and IP protection; advertising, marketing and contests; and packaging and labelling
- supply chain, trade and customs
- direct to consumer e-commerce and digital matters; cybersecurity, privacy and data protection \ human resources and business immigration
- product liability and regulatory compliance
- consumer protection
- dispute resolution and conflict management
- French language requirements
- mergers and acquisitions of retail and consumer markets businesses

Cross-Border: A Consumer Products Industry Guide to Doing Business in Canada 2021 Edition
Download Cross-Border: A Consumer Products Industry Guide to Doing Business in Canada 2021 Edition
With unmatched industry experience, practical and contextual advice, and custom, integrated teams, our Retail and Consumer Markets Group helps clients overcome the daily challenges inherent in the industry and take advantage of emerging trends that benefit their businesses. Our deep-rooted knowledge and global business experience enables us to advise on significant mandates across all sectors and pair clients with the most experienced and capable professionals to provide top-tier legal and strategic business advice, whatever the challenge. Find out how we can help you
About McCarthy Tétrault
McCarthy Tétrault LLP provides a broad range of legal services, providing strategic and industry-focused advice and solutions for Canadian and international interests. The Firm has substantial presence in Canada’s major commercial centres as well as in New York City and London.
Built on an integrated approach to the practice of law and delivery of innovative client services, the Firm brings its legal talent, industry insight and practice experience to help clients achieve the results that are important to them.
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retail consumers Food Food and Beverage Agribusiness franchise