Stephanie Sugar is a Partner in our litigation group. She works with the National Retail and Consumer Markets Group, and practices in the area of consumer protection and regulation, with a focus on complex commercial litigation, class actions defence, and franchise law. She has been counsel on cases before the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and all levels of Ontario’s Courts, and is also involved with professional regulation and discipline matters.
Stephanie is the author of Franchise Law in Canada, a book that is national in focus detailing the developing legal principles in franchise law arising from the expansion of provincial regulations, and considering the intersections between the statutory regimes and common law.
Receiving her JD from the University of Western Ontario in 2012, and an LLM in 2016, Stephanie’s graduate work focused on the tensions and interaction between law and policy arising from the increasing shift towards consumer protectionism. She teaches Advanced Contracts at Western University, and has been a Sessional Lecturer teaching Class Actions at Queen’s University.
Stephanie speaks at conferences, has written a number of articles and blogs on a variety of legal topics, and has received numerous awards for her contributions to her law school community and achievements in academics.

Franchise Law in Canada by Stephanie Sugar
Franchising is a broad and important business model across Canada that has grown significantly over the past two decades. Answering to many concerns from the industry and individuals about a lack of regulation in the franchise arena, provinces across Canada began to develop detailed statutory schemes beginning in the mid-1990s.