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Faculté de droit

Université du New Brunswick

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Alberta, 2018
British Columbia, 2017

Disponible en Anglais seulement

Sought after to advise on complex global transactions, Genevieve Loxley leverages specialized expertise in project and mining finance to help clients achieve their financing objectives.

Genevieve is an associate in our Financial Services Group based in Vancouver. Her practice is focused on domestic and international debt financing arrangements. Genevieve has extensive experience advising clients in the mining and energy sectors as well as multi-national banks and other financial institutions.

Representative transactions include:

  • Counsel to Taseko Mines Limited on its offering of US$500 million of Senior Secured Notes due 2030
  • Counsel to Wheaton Precious Metals on its acquisition of metal streams on the Platreef, Kudz Ze Kayah and Curraghinalt projects from entities controlled by Orion Mine Finance for a total of US$450 million
  • Counsel to Blue Wolf Capital Partners in connection with the syndicated debt financing for its acquisition of LOGISTEC Corporation for an approximately acquisition price of C$1.2 billion
  • Counsel to the lender and lead arranger providing senior secured financing to a Canadian acquirer and operator of veterinary practices
  • Counsel to a major forestry company on a debt reorganization involving the exchange of secured bonds, termination of existing financing arrangements and establishment of new credit facilities
  • Counsel to Vantage Airport Group Ltd. in connection with the development of the new international Terminal 6 at John F. Kennedy International Airport (US$4.2 billion) through its involvement in the JFK Millennium Partners consortium
  • Counsel to a port operator on the establishment of its capital markets platform, its credit facilities and the issuance of public and privately placed debt instruments
  • Counsel to Canada Infrastructure Bank on its investment in the C$328 million Manitoba Fiber Project (IJGlobal Telecoms Deal of the Year 2021)
  • Counsel to the syndicate of senior secured lenders providing project financing for the C$1.5 billion Cascade Power Project (IJGlobal North American Power Deal of the Year 2020)
  • Counsel to National Bank of Canada as administrative agent for a syndicate of lenders providing credit facilities in the amount of C$268 million for the development of the Golden South Wind energy facility

Genevieve is an annual contributor to the Firm’s Power Perspectives publication. She is a member of the Law Societies of British Columbia and Alberta and an alumna of the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Science (BSc), the University of East London (PGDipArch), and the University of New Brunswick’s Faculty of Law (JD).