Pragmatic and timely advice for your pressing municipal planning needs
Our Municipal Planning Group’s sound insight produces optimal results for clients - whatever your objective or position. Whether you are a consultant, commercial or industrial property owner, developer, municipality or region, local government, Aboriginal group, private sector business, or a board of education, we have every business angle covered to support your goal - from obtaining initial project approval to financing, construction, leasing and sale.
Forming the foundation for success
Our diverse experience includes advising on the municipal planning aspects of all types of real estate, including residential, commercial, industrial, mixed-use and shopping centre land and properties. Our specialized team leverages the firm’s leading expertise in real estate, land use planning, environmental and Aboriginal issues, hospitality, tax and corporate and commercial law to ensure the advice you receive is solutions-based, practical and actionable. We help our diverse clientele with:
- Obtaining timely approval on development proposals
- Staying on top of land use planning options, municipal services delivery, environmental laws and zoning bylaw
- Negotiating and drafting official plans and agreements
- Understanding the municipal issues, from local government restructuring and elections to freedom of information and conflict of interest legislation
- Environmental issues, including allocating responsibility regarding the remediation of contaminated sites
- Land expropriation, whether you need assistance with defending your rights to ensure you receive your entitled compensation for your expropriated land, or if you are expropriating land as a municipality or school board, we ensure you have the requisite documentation and offers to compensate, and assist with drafting and implementing development charge bylaws, etc.
- Representing First Nations on issues regarding reserve lands
- Appealing property or business tax assessments or property valuations through assessment appeals and court proceedings relating to property taxes (including property tax recoveries for tenants)
- Commercial ground rent arbitration
Our litigators regularly appear before the Ontario Municipal Board, the British Columbia Supreme Court, the courts, administrative panels and other tribunals, municipal councils and their committees.
With skilled knowledge, decades-long experience, and strong and cultivated stakeholder relationships, we can help you successfully navigate the complex and multi-layered regulatory environment to achieve your municipal planning objectives.
Plan on your success with us by your side.