Digital Identity Series: Proof of Vaccination for Employers
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Third session in our series where expert speakers will provide key insights on best practices and emerging issues in digital identity
- Proof of Vaccination for Employers: We will provide insights on employment and human rights issues for employers relating to mandating vaccines and requiring proof of vaccination, followed by an in-depth discussion on the technology behind proof of vaccination. We will focus on the systems in use in other countries and what is being considered for use in Canada, and identify some of the privacy and security issues that should be taken into account.
- Iliana Oris Valiente, Managing Director, Innovation Strategy and Blockchain Lead, Accenture
- Tim Lawson, National Leader of Labour and Employment Group and Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
- Kate McNeill-Keller, Partner, Labour and Employment Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
- David Nikolejsin, Strategic Advisor, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
- Michael Scherman, Associate, Technology Law Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP