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Arthur Blumer & Associates Inc., acting as the trustee to the bankruptcy of Public Bike System Company

Lead Office



40.00 Million CAD

McCarthy Tétrault represents Arthur Blumer & Associates Inc., acting as the trustee in the bankruptcy of Public Bike System Company (Bixi), in first instance before the Superior Court of Québec and now in appeal before the Court of Appeal of Québec. The dispute concerns the Trustee's decision to postpone and re-characterize the City's claim in bankruptcy, in the amount in excess of $31M. In addition to the proceedings relating to the City’s aforementioned claim, McCarthy Tétrault also acts as legal advisor to the Trustee, notably in reviewing complex claims by the creditors in bankruptcy.

McCarthy Tétrault is advising the Trustee with a team led by Alain N. Tardif that includes Gabriel Faure, Frédérique Drainville and Marc-Étienne Boucher (Bankruptcy & Restructuring).
