Meticulous in his approach and swift in his execution, Michel is our clients’ go-to source for legal translations
Michel Bergeron is a counsel, Head of MT>Version, the legal translation division of McCarthy Tétrault, and a lawyer-revisor in Montréal.
Michel reviews legal translations with respect to a wide range of documents relating to business law and securities issues.
Michel is a certified translator, former member of the board of directors and member of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), member of the Canadian Association of Legal Translators (CALT) and the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) and permanent member of the Québec Writers Union (Union des écrivaines et écrivains du Québec). He is the author of the Practical Legal Lexicon in Business Law , published by Gaudet Éditeur, and has been a teacher (lecturer) of legal translation (for Bachelor's degree in Translation) at the Université de Montréal and visiting professor (Master's degree in Legal Translation) at the University of Ottawa. He is the author of numerous articles on legal translation and acts regularly as a speaker and resource person for the specialized press. He is also the author of four novels, published by Éditions du Boréal, Éditions JCL and Leméac Éditeur, and numerous short stories (published notably by Éditions XYZ, Stop and Bénévent).
Michel received his LLL from Université Laval in 1980. He was called to the Québec bar in 1981.