2021 Construction Round-up
January 17, 2022
Time of event
Join our McCarthy Tétrault Calgary Construction Law team consisting of Bryan G. West, Jocelyn Turnbull Wallace, Andrew West, Jordan Bierkos & Erinn Wilson for a jam packed lunch hour as they explore:
- A 2021 Alberta Legislation Update
- The Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act looms in the not so distant future. Tune in to get an update on where things stand, what to expect, and how to prepare; as well as to get an update on where other provinces are with their prompt payment legislation, and the newly introduced Bill 73.
- Financing the Project
- Releasing construction draws, attending to incoming prompt payment deadlines, sorting out priorities in insolvency scenarios, financing the built environment comes with a litany of issues to be mindful of. The team will explore recent developments and issues to be attentive to heading into the new year.
- Papering the Project
- Looking at the contract formation process and common issues and exploring recent decisions to provide insights on best practices for 2022.
- Delivering the Project
- With the pandemic and attendant restrictions continuing to linger, supply chain disruptions persisting, navigating the procurement and construction phases of projects has certainly had less challenging times. The group will be discussing concepts that arise from recent cases that can guide your decision making through these troubled waters.
- Disputing the Project
- 2022 is set to usher in the adjudication regime in the PPCLA. Is your firm ready to confidently present its case in such a time condensed process? In the meantime, how can you be best positioned to prevent, contain, and resolve disputes with courts backlogged and still operating under pandemic operations protocols?
For any questions or to register for this event, please contact [email protected].
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (MST)