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14th Annual Pension & Benefits Seminar




November 13, 2024

Time of event


To register, please contact [email protected].

We are delighted to invite you to our 14th Annual Pension & Benefits Seminar. Lawyers from our Pension, Benefits & Executive Compensation Group and other McCarthy Tétrault experts will provide you with legal and governance insights into key trends and the legal opportunities and risks they present. Please join us in our Toronto office or online for our annual half day update.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Legislative and regulatory updates
  • A plan administrator’s toolkit for addressing administration errors and drafting mistakes
  • The evolving privacy law and technology landscape and impacts for plan administrators
  • Recent cases and key takeaways

Speakers include:

  • Susan Nickerson, Partner, Head of National Pensions, Benefits, & Executive Compensation Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Gregory Winfield, Counsel, National Pensions, Benefits & Executive Compensation Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Dana Peebles, Partner, Litigation Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Deron Waldock, Partner, National Pensions, Benefits & Executive Compensation Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Deborah Templer, Partner, Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Kelleher Lynch, Partner, National Pensions, Benefits & Executive Compensation Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Michael Scherman, Partner, Technology Law and Cyber/Data Groups, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
  • Julia Miller, Associate, National Pensions, Benefits & Executive Compensation Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Note: The presentation will take place in our Toronto office. For those participants who cannot join us in person, we are offering this program via webinar. If you are interested in this alternative, please select the appropriate option during the online registration process. All instructions and information on how to access the webinar will be forwarded a few days before the event.

This program qualifies for up to 3.25 hours of CPD credit under the mandatory education regimes in British Columbia and Ontario.

Barreau du Québec Continuing Education: This program contains up to 3.25 hours of content. For more information regarding the declaration and recognition of educational activities, please contact the Barreau du Québec.

For questions about this seminar, please contact [email protected].

Speakers / lawyers