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OSC Dialogue 2023: Regulating with Purpose

On April 27, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is hosting “OSC Dialogue 2023: Regulating with Purpose,” a full-day program at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for business leaders, senior regulators, and international policy experts. Lori Stein, partner and co-head of McCarthy Tétrault’s Fintech Group, and Wendy Berman, partner and head of McCarthy Tétrault’s Securities Litigation Group, have been given the honour of speaking at the event in two separate panels.

Panel: Crypto Conundrum: Innovation vs. Investor Protection

A panel of crypto experts and skeptics will examine the state of today’s crypto market – the viability of digital assets as an investment, particularly for retail investors, and their utility to the financial system.


Doug Steiner (Principal, Kakayshun Corp.)


  • Professor Douglas W. Arner, Kerry Holdings Professor in Law and RGC Senior Fellow in Digital Finance and Sustainable Development, University of Hong Kong
  • Tom Jessop, President, Fidelity Digital Assets
  • Connor Spelliscy, Founder and Executive Director, DAO Research Collective
  • Lori Stein, Partner and Co-Head, Fintech Group, McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Panel: Leadership Perspectives: CSA Chief Executives

A candid conversation between the Chief Executives of the four largest provincial securities commissions – Autorité des marchés financiers, Alberta Securities Commission, British Columbia Securities Commission, and the Ontario Securities Commission. The panelists will share their perspectives on key regulatory issues, the challenges of achieving consensus across a vast and diverse country, and how they are working together for the benefit of Canada’s capital markets.


Wendy Berman, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP


  • Brenda Leong, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, British Columbia Securities Commission
  • Stan Magidson, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Alberta Securities Commission and Chair of the Canadian Securities Administrators
  • Louis Morisset, President and Chief Executive Officer, Autorité des marchés financiers
  • Grant Vingoe, Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Securities Commission
